Thursday, September 4, 2008

what's the plan of action?

it's all up to you ladies & gentlemen. very few people have the ability to put others before themselves, that's exactly why this revolves around all of you. you better yourself (whether it's by changing bad habits & doing things like exercising, or even just by recycling) & indirectly, you will better the world. if you are positive & are happy, you will shine. that's the idea, that 1 happy person, that has faith in growth, can change the lives of many people he/she comes across. some of you will listen & want to take part, but this won't be about $. you don't have to donate anything, buy wristbands or t-shirts. words are powerful enough. we just ask you to speak up. 2nd chance isn't figurative, you don't have to wait for a second time around to fix things. you can do it now, it just takes initiative. by us learning how you want to better yourselves now, today, what you want to change/do about tomorrow, we can expand our knowledge. we'll help you act & connect with others that want change as well, & well, our aim is to change the world, 1 individual at a time. sure, it sounds like a ridiculous long shot. but you change 1 person, they change 2, it then becomes evident that there is a ball that has started to roll. we just need you to want that movement. how do you wanna roll?

- stay +

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